Welcome to the online home of Christ Fellowship of Kansas City. We are a church made up of home-based congregations in the KC Missouri Northland. Our congregations come together on Sunday afternoons in a member’s home for an interactive meeting of Bible teaching, prayer, sharing, music and warm fellowship. We always eat a meal together. Every six weeks all the congregations gather at a rented facility for singing, Bible exposition and a meal. And there are several more Bible studies and mentoring groups going on weekly. We invite you to browse our site and consider if our church is right for you. If serious Bible study along with an authentic and very joyful church life appeals to you, we invite you to contact us to find out more.
Our Story
Christ Fellowship began in 2004 with two very small congregations thirty minutes apart. From there we’ve grown to five congregations in North Kansas City, Parkville, Kearney, Weston, and Liberty, with more on the way. We’ve been privileged to help several other leaders begin churches using our model.
Our Model
Christ is our identity, and meeting in homes is our strategy. We don’t feel that we are required by God to meet in homes, but we see it as uniquely advantageous given our urban context and isolated culture. In our view, using homes allows us to more faithfully fulfill Scripture’s “one another” commands, and provides a flexible and reproducible model. Many of our members weren’t seeking a “house church” but have found that our model of church life resonates with them and fits their growing convictions about what church life ought to look like. For a short booklet illustrating our approach, see Church on the Couch.
Our Distinctives
Each church has a personality. Here are some of our characteristics — joy in Christ, the centrality of Bible teaching, church purity, active attendance by each member, the Lord’s Supper as a weekly meal, and participatory meetings. Read more about these and other distinctive traits of our church.