Position Statements

Position Statements

Celebrating the Lord’s Supper

Those who visit our church will notice quickly two aspects of our meetings that one might call “non-typical.” First, we meet in homes rather than in a church building. Second, we eat a full meal together every Sunday. Our practice of meeting in homes is discussed elsewhere, so we’ll not address that in detail here. This short article describes why we put so much emphasis…

Elders and Deacons

Christ cares for his sheep through the ministry of elders and deacons in local churches. The articles below outline how Christ Fellowship understands and applies the New Testament teaching regarding the offices of elder and deacon.

Our Plan for Handling Church Finances

The elders of Christ Fellowship spent several weeks studying the subject of church finances. Our desire was to honor God by following the leadership of the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ. We focused on numerous passages of Scripture in an attempt to properly understand more of what the Bible teaches on this subject. While we did not conclude that we had been disobedient…

Restoring Those Who Fall (Church Discipline Statement)

The Head of the church has instructed us to practice church discipline. Since believers have no option but to obey, it is customary for serious-minded churches to compile the relevant Scripture passages and formulate a comprehensive plan of action. This prepares them to act lovingly and swiftly…

What to Expect From Pastoral Counseling

What Christ Fellowship Members May Expect From Pastoral Counseling with Our Elders The goal of all worthwhile Christian counseling is to help believers meet the challenges of life in a way that will please and honor the Lord. It is aimed at training believers how to walk without stumbling into sin, or how to recover from patterns of sinful behavior, and to teach them…

Divorce, Remarriage, and Church Membership

This article is in two parts. Part 1 is a brief summary of our doctrinal conclusions concerning divorce and remarriage. Part 2 concerns the way our position affects church membership. Both parts are excerpted from Divorce and Remarriage: A Permanence View, by Daryl Wingerd, Jim Elliff, Jim Chrisman, and Steve Burchett (Kansas City/Parkville, MO: Christian Communicators…