Our Teaching

Our Teaching

The Bible is at the heart of all we do. We are always talking about its truths. Not only do the elders lead their congregations through consecutive Bible passages weekly, but almost every meeting of the church is characterized by seriousness about the Word of God.

In our Sunday home congregation meetings, our elders teach the Bible in a dialogical format to encourage participation. This allows members to interact with the text, ask questions, and share application. Even with this method, our elders and teachers work hard to bring the authority of God’s word to bear on our lives.

Below you will find examples of this teaching method from our home congregation meetings, as well as more typical monologue-style teachings delivered at our all-church gatherings. A few of the messages below may come from other venues where our pastors were asked to teach.

We hope you are fed spiritually by these messages.


Jim Elliff – May 12, 2020 – 1 Peter

Sons of Martyrs, or Sons of Murderers?

Jordan Hasty – January 31, 2021 – Matthew

Priscilla and Aquila

Steve Burchett – August 16, 2015 – Acts

What is the Hope for Your Child’s Salvation?

Jim Elliff – March 19, 2020 – 1 Samuel

The Greatest of All

Jordan Hasty – November 1, 2020 – Matthew

Don’t Trifle

Steve Burchett – April 2, 2017 – Acts

For additional teaching, view our audio archives.