Petition for Membership

Petition for Membership

I would like to be considered for membership with Christ Fellowship of Kansas City. I have read The Fellowship of the Spirit as well as Restoring Those Who Fall, and I believe both accurately reflect Christ’s standard of conduct for His followers. I have also read Holding Fast the Word of Life and How We Use Our Statement of Faith, along with Celebrating the Lord’s Supper; Divorce, Remarriage, and Church Membership; and What to Expect from Pastoral Counseling. Though I may not fully understand or agree with every point of doctrine, I find Holding Fast the Word of Life to be an acceptable summary of biblical truth. With respect to the other documents listed above, even where I disagree in doctrine or practice I agree to cooperate as required in the body of these documents. In all respects I will pursue doctrinal understanding and unity with a humble and teachable spirit.

I know that no local church will ever be perfect, but I believe Christ Fellowship is a true church, organized and governed according to the commands and example of the New Testament, and in obedience to Christ its Head.

I have read the document, Becoming a Member. I understand that the acceptance of this petition does not guarantee membership, but rather begins the process through which I will be considered for membership. I further affirm that my answers to the questions in this petition are truthful and complete.

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Click here to download our Membership Petition to complete offline.